Friday, July 16, 2010

Are you there Classy & Elegant?

I was so excited the other day to find that Moxie Fab World was hosting card style challenges to celebrate the release of their new magazine, Card Style. Well, the first challenge I participated in had me feeling pretty confident ~ it's a style that I love and do quite often - Shabby & Vintage. No problem there; however, this next challenge - Classy & Elegant seemed so far out of my norm that I wasn't even sure I could accomplish it.
In fact, my first attempt was a wash. Although I loved the look of the finished product, I wasn't at all the convinced that it would pass for Classy & Elegant. All the extra layering and embellishing doesn't lend itself well to clean lines. Into my Etsy shop it went.
NOT CLASSY & ELEGANT - try again
I wasn't going to give up. I had been challenged!! Besides, I'd like to think that I personally understand Classy & Elegant, so why is it that I'm having such a hard time producing a card that illustrates this? After some thought, this was my result, and let me tell you that it was VERY hard not to add more layering or more embellishing. I think that maybe I managed to create a Classy & Elegant card. What do you think?
Remember that the Card Style challenges over at Moxie Fab World end on August 2nd at Midnight MDT. Good luck!

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