Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Preschool and a surprise

My youngest started preschool this week.  She's only four but has a distinct way of fooling others into believing she's wiser than her years.  Let me explain.  Picture my darling little princess at the hardware store with her father and I.  We walk by the fly swatters, and having never seen one before, she asks what it is.  My explanation is simple:  "It's used for pesky little flys."  "Can I have one?"  "What would you need it for?"  "So that I can whoop some fly ass."
I give my husband all the credit for her colorful vocabulary, but I'll take the credit for the leap she made in it's use.  With that said, it's sometimes hard for me to think of her as only four, but when she's gone for those 3 hours everyday, I miss my baby girl.

So I'm standing down at the bus stop waiting for the pinchkins to get home from school today, and around the corner appears a flash of brown.  My stomach flutters and I get a little giddy.  Could it be?  A package for me? 
I'm only mentioning this for two reasons.  First, we all know that it's a prerequisite that you must be incredibly handsome to be one of the men in brown, and my UPS man is no exception.  I looooooove to see by or stop, it doesn't matter.   The second reason... that gorgeous man stopped.  You heard me...he STOPPED!!!  He had a package

and this is what I received....
...the Thanksgiving basket from my swap friend, Starr at  Isn't it amazing?  I absolutely love the colors she used and all the fantastic embellishments are to die for.  In fact, my sister asked if she could buy it from me.  I said no - emphatically, of course.  I can't wait to use the gorgeous ribbon she sent and the "vintagey" key.  Thank you, Starr!!!
 I had a good day, and I hope yours was as well.  Be sure and stop by my shop for some daydreaming in paper.

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